Friday, April 20, 2007

Assignment #4

Fair use is when a person can use copyrighted material without the owners approval in one of three ways.
First, a teacher can use it for nonprofit educational purposes

Ex. A teacher could teach a lesson using various documentary films, clipping them together to make one unique film. The teacher is still responsible to cite the sources appropriately and can not sell the modified film for a profit.

Second, in case of first sale
Once copyrighted material has been purchased the owner can lend, rent or lease the material.
Ex. Blockbuster purchases movies from various studios, they are then allowed to rent movies to their customers.

Third, material is being parodied, critiqued or commented on.
When an artist uses copyrighted material to mock a persons work or person usually in the form of a joke.
ex. Weird al makes numerous songs mocking other artists. However he asks the owner for their permission to use their material prior.

What is creative commons licensing
Creative common licensing is non-profit organization that allows people to share their crative work in a legal way.

Alternative licensing websites I think

The GNU Operating System

Open Source Licenses

Interesting article "The Copy Left Is Not Right"

I commented on Jeffs blog and Tia's


KrysMcc said...


I think I am always commenting on your page. There are only a few assignments done when I go to make a comment and yours always are so I hope you dont mind!! Good examples, those are useful to get a real life experience so we can relate to the meaning. The term is so broad that is a hard concept to grasp. I had a little trouble writing about it because I was not sure if I even got the meaning! I found myself going to wikipedia, they had a ton of information on this stuff!!

Josh said...


Sounds like you know more than I do about fair use. I found a lot of sites explaining it, so I just used there information and sited it. Is that fair use?


tia1012 said...

You definitely know your technology lingo! I have been borrowing things like you said teachers do.....for many years now. But, I had no idea what the term "fair use" meant. Now I do! And, you are makes it a nice tool for teachers to use to completely cover a topic, by using all the information out there! Of course siting every step of the way.

KARL said...

Great job in explaning the types of usage. You use real world senarios to get your point across.

walkintall said...

Great Blog. I think i remember some artist treid to sue Weird Al along time ago and lost. I think it was Coolio for Amish Paradise but i can't rmeber now.

onegirl4u said...


Your blog assignment on "fair use" was a very easy read.... however, I tried opening your interesting article, "The copy left is not right" as well as "The GNU Operating SystemOpen Source Licenses." I couldn't open either one of them....

Brad Pierce said...

I was able to open the copy left is not right article, but the GNU article was a dead link. Thanks for the helpful info!

chevyluvs112 said...

Since you are a teacher you have to look out for this more than your average web user.