Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Assignment #9

At the beginning of the quarter, I was thinking about using the Miller website to teach an electrical lesson,but I wasn't sure how to go about it. After this class NO BIG DEAL!!! Computers truly make our jobs easier.

I commented on Laura and Tim's blog

Assigmnment #8

This class has been GREAT!!!!! I have learned alot about the internet and what is out there. I thought I had decent computer skills prior to this class. This class has introduced me to things that are so much easier and less time consuming. I never thought building a web-site could be challenging and easy at the same time. The blog this quarter was actually kind of fun. I really learned a lot about how to add to and customize the site to a more personal level.

Commented on Karl and Josh's blog

Assignment #7

The three web-sites that use video well is the following
This site I have labeled as something for everyone, It has some hilariously funny videos
A little something for everyone
The next site is the miller page, for you welding gurus there are some good videos that you can use.

The third site would be verizons site, The lady that gives you the live tutorial is pretty neat.

I commented on Josh and Graff

Assignment #6

I have subscribed to the following Pod casts using I-tunes
Abc nightly news
I'm boring, I know, but I like these podcasts because I'm gone so much.This is a way I get to hear what is going on in the world, all it seems like I'm doing is going to School or teaching school.

I commented on Josh and Graff

Website Address

This is my new website address. Check it out and tell me what you think.
Welding website

Monday, April 30, 2007

Assignment #5

Miller Blog

This guy is nuts, but interesting!!! (Check out the Bee comment. You have to scroll down a little way but its worth a look)

I commented on Josh and Graff

Friday, April 20, 2007

Assignment #4

Fair use is when a person can use copyrighted material without the owners approval in one of three ways.
First, a teacher can use it for nonprofit educational purposes

Ex. A teacher could teach a lesson using various documentary films, clipping them together to make one unique film. The teacher is still responsible to cite the sources appropriately and can not sell the modified film for a profit.

Second, in case of first sale
Once copyrighted material has been purchased the owner can lend, rent or lease the material.
Ex. Blockbuster purchases movies from various studios, they are then allowed to rent movies to their customers.

Third, material is being parodied, critiqued or commented on.
When an artist uses copyrighted material to mock a persons work or person usually in the form of a joke.
ex. Weird al makes numerous songs mocking other artists. However he asks the owner for their permission to use their material prior.

What is creative commons licensing
Creative common licensing is non-profit organization that allows people to share their crative work in a legal way.

Alternative licensing websites I think

The GNU Operating System

Open Source Licenses

Interesting article "The Copy Left Is Not Right"

I commented on Jeffs blog and Tia's

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Assignment#3 Website plan

The website I plan to create is a welding class site. I'm looking for an informational site that potential students and parents can view to answer common questions that they may have. The site will have the following areas; home page, instructor bio, class page, and alumni page. The look of the site will resemble the DACC website as far as colors. The site will be constructed using sea monkey. I think the areas that I will have some problems with is the alumni page, I want to allow former students to access this page so they can update their personal information. I'm not real sure how to do this yet, but I hope to learn.

I commented on Krystle's blog and Bryce's

Thursday, April 5, 2007

#2 (3) favorite websites

The three web sites that I like to use is hard to narrow down. Here is my best attempt.

The first site is xm radio. I purchased satellite radio about two years ago for my wife. One of the services that they provide is free online programming for many of the stations that they offer.
I usually only navigate to the online radio stations. The overall layout is pretty dull. They have not updated the site in the two years that I have been using it. But for the music it's great.

The second website I like to look at is Osu
This website is fairly difficult to navigate until you learn OSU's terminology. the colors are Ok, but I understand why they use them. The site does get easier to use the more that you use it.

The third web site that I like to use is miller
This website is an informative site for welders, The site is not an easy site to navigate for someone who is unfamiliar with welding. They try to provide links that help with the terminology that is used. I like the educators link, there are lots of resources that are made available to me.

I commented on Josh's Blog
I commented on Karl's blog

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Assignment #1

Hello everyone my name is Scott Laslo and I am a Welding instructor at the Delaware area career center. I have been teaching now for two years and have found that it is a very rewarding profession. I have a four year old son and my wife and I are expecting our second child in September. (Yeah!!!) Oh no!!!! more STRESS!!!)
In regards to this class I hope to build a class website that will demonstrate what the students are learning, but also show the students that I have a human side as well. I would like to get my class involved as far as helping me with the content of the website. I will need some help with getting the site up and running, but should be pretty cool when finished.

I commented on Janet's blog

I also replied to mrs. C's blog (Peg) and answered her questions on mine

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Discuss the changes you notice in your understanding and skill with the technical resources and concepts we have used in class.

At the beginning of this class I was having a difficult time, as the quarter progressed I started to figure out that I did have a creative side. I have begun to realize, how this class has helped me take a more active role in promoting my current welding program. There are a lot of useful techniques that I can use to help generate interest for the welding industry and build a positive program hopefully for years to come.

I commented on Jim's Blog

#8 Discuss ideas you have for how you might use video production professionally.

I will be using video production to promote the welding and sheet metal layout program at the Delaware area career center. I have enjoyed finding welding clips and editing them to make an appealing video that shows the possibilities in the welding industry.

I commented on MR. Whitson's Blog

Thursday, February 22, 2007

#7 Explain the video you plan to make

The video that I'm planning on making is a promotional video for the Welding program. The first clip is taken from an AWS promotional video. The next several clips were taken from several different videos that I found.
Editing the videos were easier than I expected as well as adding audio to the project. I added two different audio tracks that helped enhance the flow of the video.
My plan is to add more to the video for my final project, if it turns out, I would like to use it to help promote for my welding program.

I commented on Lexi's Blog

Thursday, February 15, 2007

#6 Process of creating your video

During this project I decided to work solo. There was no particular reason why I worked alone it just worked out that way. The project I'm thinking about is a promotional video for my welding program. I will be searching the Internet for welding videos. My plan is that I can take clips from several different videos and mix them together, and hopefully make something that is appealing to viewers an audio trak or two would also help the flow of the video I think.

I commented on Ron's Blog

Monday, February 5, 2007

Blog#5 Graphic Design

I currently teach a program called Ford-Pas, this program utilizes graphic design and page layouts in the marketing unit. This has helped me keep the students interest. The students really enjoy working on the computer, and they don't view computer work as a traditional way of learning. Graphic design is a field of study in its self. Students are challenged by all the different things that can be done with various programs. It's another way of making learning fun and at the same time teaching a very critical set of skills

I commented on Marks blog

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Discuss ideas you have for how you might use page layout or newsletters professionally.

Using a newsletter is an ideal way to keep interested parties informed. I feel having a class newsletter helps promote my class and industry. This also provides me with an opportunity to share all the wonderful things my students are accomplishing. I also feel this can help with student motivation. I would hope that a student would strive to make the newsletter with one of their accomplishments. A newsletter is a good way to educate fellow colleagues about the manufacturing industry, keeping them informed about trends, issues etc. This newsletter is something that is not new by no means but, has caught my attention. This particular assignment has got my brain working and, I'm thinking about all the different ways this can be used to help build a positive program.

I commented on Mary's blog She needs to approve my comment

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

How I would use images professionally

Every year I need to recruit new students to the Manufacturing center. These students are pulled from eight different feeder schools. Throughout various parts of the year the classes I teach take on several projects. These projects are usually quite large and they have many good photo opportunities. When looking at some of the photos that have been taken, I have learned through this class that these images can be edited to reflect a theme of my choosing.
I can use an imaging editing program to help sell my program, by taking what initially may be a boring welding picture, and jazz it up a bit. This helps create a positive feeling about my program.
Students like color and creativity, and this is a way to bring the lighter side of Manufacturing to life. Other than recruiting, I really cannot think of another use for professional imaging. If anyone has any ideas, please share.

I commented on Eric Whitehead

Monday, January 15, 2007

Experience editing images

Computer's have always been an area of interest. Working with images however, have proven to be extremely challenging. I'm finding out that you can't suppress your creativity. I come from a background that does not allow you to express ones creativity. My job has always been to fabricate someone else's vision.
Now having the freedom to create my own ideas is somewhat difficult, since I really don't know what I want the finished product to be. I have been taking a lot of pictures of my son and have tried to put him into different settings. This has worked in some cases and in many it has not.
The biggest thing I would like to work on is learning the basics of the program, having run drafting software in industry for many years, having a good understanding of the basics frees you up to dream and not constantly fight the program due to lack of knowledge.

Monday, January 8, 2007

A little about my self

I would like to take this opportunity to tell all of you about myself.
Currently I'm teaching Welding and Sheet Metal Fabrication at the Delaware Area Career Center. I decided to get into the teaching profession after ten years of long hours and traveling as a union Sheet metal worker. I have found that money is a good motivator however, being home with my family is more important. I have been married for nine years, and have a four year old son (Clayton) We are also expecting an addition late summer.
Currently I anticipate completing my 40 hour license this spring (YEAH!!!!!!) I'm currently enrolled here at Ohio State full time. I anticipate graduating sometime in 08 (It's close)